Privacy Policy For Stars777

Stars777 prioritizes user privacy and ensures comprehensive safeguarding of your information when you access our application. Our Privacy Policy outlines our practices regarding the collection, use, and disclosure of data. We take commercially reasonable steps to protect your privacy, ensuring that no information provided by you is used in any way that could harm you or breach your privacy.

This Privacy Policy serves as an electronic contract under the Information Technology Act, 2000 and related rules, governing electronic records and documents. It does not require physical, electronic, or digital signatures but constitutes a legally binding agreement between you and our application.

Integrated with our Terms of Service, this Policy applies to Personal Information collected during the download, installation, and usage of the Application and Services. By using the Application or Services, you consent to this Privacy Policy and the processing of your Personal Information as described herein. If you do not agree with this Policy or our Terms of Service, please refrain from downloading, installing, or using the Application and Services.

For questions about our privacy practices or to report any privacy issues, please contact us.

Stars777 Information Collection:
“Personal Information” includes data that individually or in combination with other information, such as mobile phone numbers, names, dates of birth, and financial details, qualifies as personal data under applicable privacy laws. Stars777 may collect various types of information from or about you or your mobile device, including:

• User Provided Information: Information you provide when using or accessing the Application and Services, such as registration details, avatar images, and interactions with other users.
• Device Information: Data like mobile numbers and contact lists accessed intermittently for features like referral programs.
• Usage Data: Information about your use of the Application, IP addresses, browser types, and access to third-party services through the Application.

We may use cookies and similar technologies to enhance user experience and gather usage information. Communication with us via email or customer support systems involves the collection and processing of information as outlined in this Privacy Policy.

Stars777 Use of Information:
We utilize Traffic Data and Personal Information to:

• Provide and optimize Services.
• Customize content, Services, and advertisements.
• Verify identities and facilitate user connections.
• Monitor and prevent unauthorized or fraudulent activity.
• Conduct surveys and analyze user behavior.
• Comply with legal obligations.

We may share your personal information outside Stars777 when necessary to comply with laws, enforce Terms of Service, prevent fraud, protect rights or safety, or respond to legal requests. Third-party websites or applications accessed through our services are governed by their own privacy policies.

Stars777 Security of Personal Information:
We implement physical, technical, and administrative security measures to protect Traffic Data and Personal Information. However, we cannot guarantee absolute security against unauthorized access or breaches.

Stars777 Changes to Privacy Policy:
Updates to this Privacy Policy will be posted on our website or application. Your continued use of the Application and Services after any changes indicate your acceptance of the updated Privacy Policy.

Stars777 Limitation of Liability:
We do not warrant the accuracy, completeness, or adequacy of Application contents and disclaim liability for errors or omissions. No warranties, implied or expressed, are provided regarding the Application’s contents or links to other internet resources.

For any further inquiries regarding our privacy practices, please contact us.

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